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Monday Motivation - Your Perfect Monday Morning Playlist

Words have power and music is transformative. Put these two together and you have one of the most potent mood altering substances on earth. Lyrics inspire, a chord can bring back a memory and music motivates.

For this reason on Monday's I'm now providing a music motivation playlist. Just a few songs to get your Monday going in the right direction. Today's playlist is "Be Encouraged." This playlist motivates me. It starts with Gospel inspiration, moves to a self confidence mantra and ends with a needed spoken word.

I hope it motivates you to make Monday's your Bi$#h! Why dread Mondays, when it's just another day to get better and build toward your dreams?

When I hear this playlist I'm reminded of my brand ambitions to expand the Kristina Denise - Curvy Girl Chronicles brand to events, speaking engagements and more. Talk to me, in the comments, let me know what your goal is and what you're encouraged to do this week!

Come back next week, the Music Monday Motivation list is "Take This Job & Shove It."

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