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The Holiday Blues are Real - Now Here are Some Tips to Fight Them

Yes, it the holidays! According to all of the commercials and marketing materials we should be filled with Christmas cheer, Hanukkah happiness and ready to tackle the New Year with energy and power!

I don't know about you, but sometimes the holiday's stress me out. Apparently I'm not the only one because desipite so many colors of the holiday seaon being red, green and gold, many people get blue over the holidays.

The holiday blues are feelings of anxiety and stress during the holiday season. Often times these symptons are temporary but can leave you feeling fatigued, lonely, sad, tense and frustrated!

According to NAMI, National Alliance on Mental Illness, 64% of people say they are affected this way by the holidays.

There are many reasons for the holiday blues, seasonal changes, financial pressures, stress, missing loved ones who are no longer with us. Thankfullly, there are many things you can do to combat the holiday blues. I mention some of them on my 'fighting mental illness" guest post here.

Some of my personal tips for fighting the holiday blues:

1. Celebrate your accomplishments. When you thinks of your New Year's Resolutions, also write out a list of the past year's accomplishments. Go ahead give your self permission to celebrate your success.

2. Make lists. I am a list making machine when I get stressed! It's helps me organize my thoughts and calms me down.

3. Don't over do it - serisouly set realistic expectatons. The holidays don't have to look like your favorite romantic comedy, with the perfect meet-cute and huge family dinner.

These 3 tips help me, but check out Nami's long list of suggestions for how to beat back the holiday blues here.


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